Thursday, April 15, 2010

Koooool !!

oLike any one, I have different definitions of  Koool  which keep changing with age and environment ..
I remember when I was school boy, for me being Kool means bringing sandwitches or italian food in school tiffins [At that time there was no Pizza hut :)] or having full collection of WWF or cricket's trump cards or moving around in school suits or hanging around Chanakya cinemas’s Nirulas or different places in Delhi with gang or getting in good college. Also everyone has different definitions like some want to become monitor or prefect was a Kool stuff but for me it was so unKool .. Takes away my freedom :).
In college , Being Kool means having different mobile sets [ mobile set came around that time only ] or having broadband at home [ It was also new at that time ] or coming to college in car or bikes [ CBZ and pulsar :) ] or getting dressed up in brands of UCB / Reebok / Nike or knowing all english songs or having great accent or watching friends [ Ha Ha Ha] or watching english movies on desktop  or listing Rock or having new gizmos or landing up in good company or cracking CAT / GRE was kool .
Later in Job... Being Kool means getting cabin or getting out of turn promotions or good rewards or rating or ... hoping around good companies or starting up a  successful start ups or having a great friend circle or going out for lunch or watching different movies in halls or having interesting stuff to tell what you did on weekend or going to foreign locations for holidays or buying SUV / sedan or trying different eating  or attending some concerts or  partying around or having really expensive gizmos as they launched became definition of Koool [ Ha Ha Ha ] ...
May be later .. Being Kool may be being well settled in family and professional life .. God Knows :)
As time goes on, we can see definition is changing.... I think most of these things are quite materialistic....
In my life, whether school or college or job, I saw many people show above things of being Kool ... but i saw them collapsing when they could not get admission in good college or good company or their friends / family left them or they failed in job interviews or missed some promotions or struck in same stuff for long or IN SHORT ... when things are not going according to their plans.... I know.. Getting depressed on failures quite natural .. What unKool is when you just make mountain out of molehills on initial blows and start living in pain ..
I think being Koool means how you behave when things are not going well... how you keep your brain at ease when things are not going according .. How you talk with others sensibly when you have lot of other problems going in your mind... or how is your emotional level when you loose something very important..or how is your decision  making when road ahead is blocked or you moved too far away and lost...or how you are nice but still don’t allow anyone to take use of you .. or how you take decisions when things are ambiguous . Being Koool does not mean only stop worry but also to find solution of the problem without losing calm of yours and surroundings...
No doubt, age (experience) has big role in being real Kool .. Through out of my life , In my peer group ,  found three people ( one from college and two from office)whom i will say Kool because they showed how Kool they were when things were really not favorable ..
I will avoid quoting the names.. I just asked one my Koooolest friend when he was facing one of his big problem..  Dude .. How can be so calm and compose when you are against this hell [issue]
He gave me some tips:-
1. Think whether it will be issue in next 5 years: - When something worry you too much ask this question.. This will help in weeding out stuff which is not worthy to worry about. [I am trying this ... Not an easy stuff to put in habit]
2. Have a life: - Think about stuff which really excites you... Don’t think how its face value in external world. It could be blogging, sketching, playing guitar , working out in gym, reading or even  gossiping
Some other things i liked [from other source]
3. Don't take yourself  (or things) so serious [ source : Fountain Head] :  It will certainly remove the stress .Life will be more fun ... Don’t think world moves around you or think too much what world will say about your actions [ Believe me people have short memory and no one has time to think about you except you are a manager :) ]
4. Live in the present [Famous Sunscreen song]: Most of the problems we think.. never happens ... Baz Luhrmann's SunScreen explains it best "Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as
effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday."
Not easy tips J .. Its very hard to change ….. J but not impossible.
At the end we all want to be Koool .. We all want to enjoy the life .. May be the definitions be different ..may be path to reach it be different .. But if we want it .. we have to work for it .. As nothing comes for free ….

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